Thursday, May 23, 2013

The Obama Scandals Part II - The IRS

Here is the next group of Obama Scandals:

8.  What gave IRS agents the idea that they should slow-walk the applications of conservative and libertarian groups for tax exempt status (until after the 2012 election) while waiving progressive groups through?  How would they get the idea they should ask those conservative and libertarian groups highly invasive, and irrelevant, questions (including what prayers the organizers prayed and what books they read!)  progressive and other groups were not asked?  Why would IRS agents single out prominent conservative and libertarian political donors and spokesmen for multiple audits (joined in some cases by other federal agencies such as the Department of Labor) in the run-up to the 2012 election?  Why was confidential IRS information about Republicans, including Mitt Romney, and other opponents of the Administration leaked to progressive groups, and the Obama campaign, where it was used to hammer Republicans in the last election.  And why, when the top bosses in the IRS were admittedly aware of these abuses in the spring of 2012 was this not brought to the attention of the White House and not disclosed to the American people (indeed the abuses were denied by the IRS Commissioner to Congress) when it might have a made a difference in the election?  Was it not the responsibility of the IRS when it knew the abuses were happening, to order it stopped, bring it to the attention of the President, and disclose it to the American people?

9.  How is it that even now no individuals at IRS have been identified for having participated in the abuses noted above, no one has been disciplined (except the acting commissioner who just left a few weeks early but suffered no financial penalty) and no one has taken responsibility?  How does Lois Lerner keep her job having claimed 5th Amendment protection against questioning regarding her public trust?  Even an ordinary police officer must waive his right not to testify or lose his job!  And how did she get her job at the IRS at all given that in her previous job at the FEC she was known for discriminatory enforcement actions against Christian organizations?

10.  Did the President's campaign diatribes against conservative and Republican "enemies", and Democratic Senators' calls for the IRS to investigate "Tea Party" groups have no effect whatsoever on the decisions of IRS officials to target those enemies?  Did the President really have to explicitly order IRS people to act against people and groups that favored lower taxes, a simpler tax code and, in some cases, the abolition of the IRS?  Was it not enough for them to hear the President's permanent campaign?  Wasn't it enough for the President's campaign to identify eight large Republican donors on its web site and imply that they were less than honest and ethical in their business dealings?  At least one of those eight was targeted by both the IRS and the Department of Labor who found nothing amiss.  Is this not the Alinsky tactic of personalizing an issue run amok?  Just what one would expect from a former community organizer.

11.  Is this culture of politically biased enforcement infect federal agencies in addition to the IRS?  We already know that the Department of Labor also appears to have singled out Republican donors for audits.  Why would the Justice Department give a pass to the New Black Panthers standing outside polling stations in Philadelphia with clubs intimidating white voters?  Was former Democratic Senator and Governor Jon Corzine given a pass in the collapse of MF Global, Inc?

More in the next post.

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