Wednesday, March 26, 2014


Justices Kagan and Sotomayor both suggested that if Hobby Lobby, for religious reasons, didn't like the mandate to provide abortifacients to its employees, they could "just not provide any coverage and pay the tax."

This seems like Jizra to me.  Recall that Jizra is the tax that Muslim conquerors impose on Christians for the privilege of remaining Christian and not being beheaded.  Does anyone think it is acceptable to impose a tax on a religious community for the privilege of abiding by its religious principles?

1 comment:

  1. "They can just pay the tax..." Only in Washington, DC, that city that once set upon a hill in our lifetime. Everyday looking more & more like the Western capital of the caliphate ISIL is installing in Mosul. Madames Sotomayor & Kagin in their ideas are dead ringers for the character played by Merly Streep in "The Giver", the chief elder presiding over a totalitarian utopia.
    Heaven help US(A).
    vashti varnado
